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Creating Your OWN Fitness Challenges To Match Your Goals

Finding a challenge exactly matching your fitness goals can be tricky. You have specific goals, and sometimes you need a more personalized and specific routine tailored to your lifestyle in order to be successful.


With Cadoo’s feature Create Your Own Challenge, you can easily create unique challenges and hold yourself accountable to your fitness goals.


Here are 5 ways you can use Cadoo to reach your goals:


1. Create private challenges


No one knows your habits, needs, and schedule better than you. Using Create Your Own Challenge, you can adjust your challenges and challenge goals every month, week, or even day.


Has walking 30 minutes every day gotten too easy? Switch the activity next week to running! Up your walking time! Create one challenge to walk every other day, and create a second challenge to bike the rest of the week!


Alternatively, maybe theres a week where you have less time to workout, but still want to make sure you get outside. Set goals that are easier to achieve, like a 15 minute walk daily or 5000 steps!


The possibilities are endless, and Cadoo will keep adding new activities and new ways to build challenges.


2. Challenge yourself with your friends


When you create a private challenge, you are given a special link to take anyone you send it to directly to your challenge. From here, they can join the challenge and you can compete against each other.


Or come at it with a supportive perspective! You and your friends are working towards the same goal and push one another to accomplish the task at hand. Encourage each other to succeed.


3. Share your challenge with the community!


Cadoo now allows you to publish your challenge to the entire Cadoo community with one tap! Share to your social media, the Cadoo Reddit, and the Cadoo Discord! Get your friends and family to join your challenge and get some friendly competition going both inside and outside the app.


4. Make some extra money!


Do you enjoy hosting challenges and getting people to join? There are benefits to hosting the most high-quality challenges out there. When another Cadoo member joins your challenge for the first time ever, you will earn a very small reward. If you can get a new person to sign up for Cadoo and their challenge is the first one they join, you will get a larger reward!


The higher quality your challenges, the more people will join, and the more money you can earn!


5. Join other people’s challenges


There is currently a cap of 3 challenges someone can create and have running at one time. Make sure the challenges you create are truly the ones which either will help you meet your personal goals or will get other people to join in! But if you need more challenges, browse other people’s challenges and see which ones catch your eye.


How have you been able to use the Create Your Own Challenge feature so far? Share your progress on our socials or in our community chats!


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